
Oil Painter

Fiona Westwood

Fiona has always had a passion for painting. She spent the first half of her working career in pathology, after completing a degree Science. She then ran a successful family business for many years. Finally after selling the business a few years ago, Fiona has finally been able to indulge in her love of painting.
Fiona , who paints in her home studio in Berrilee , works primarily in oils on canvas or timber as the buttery texture of the medium provides a wonderful tactile painting environment.



Fiona Westwood talks about herself:

“I paint everything – portraits, still life, landscapes,” says Fiona. “ I find beauty in all things – even basic vegetables like carrots!”

With her home studio located in the beautiful, quiet rural area of Berrilee inspiration for her art is everywhere.  “Coomeallah” is nestled in the bush with its abundant birdlife and native flora l and this leads to creativity!  While the brightly coloured birds inspire a vibrant colour palette, the serenity and calm beauty of the bush lend themselves to soft hues and designs.